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1. I can easily recognize differences between similar sounds.

मैं समान ध्वनियों के बीच के अंतर को आसानी से पहचान सकता हूँ।

Imagine you are listening to two similar sounding birds, but you can tell them apart by their calls.

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2. I can “hear” a person’s exact words and tone of voice days after he or she has spoken to me.

मैं किसी व्यक्ति के ठीक शब्द और स्वर को उसके मुझसे बात करने के दिनों बाद "सुन" सकता हूँ।

Imagine your friend told you a funny joke a few days ago, and you can still hear the way they said it in your head.

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3. I enjoy working with my hands.

मुझे अपने हाथों से काम करना पसंद है।

Imagine you're building a model airplane. You enjoy the process of assembling the parts and painting the model with your hands.

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4. If someone says a long word, I can count the syllables that I hear.

अगर कोई एक लंबा शब्द कहता है, तो मैं सुने गए शब्दों की गिनती कर सकता हूं।

Imagine you're learning a new language. When you hear a long word, you can break it down into syllables to understand and pronounce it better.

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5. I follow written directions better than oral ones.

मैं मौखिक निर्देशों की तुलना में लिखित निर्देशों का पालन बेहतर करता हूँ।

Imagine you are assembling a toy, and you find it easier to follow the instructions in the manual than to listen to someone tell you what to do.

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6. I like to dance and create new movements or steps.

मुझे नाचना और नए कदम या चालें बनाना पसंद है।

Imagine you are at a party, and you start making up your own dance moves to the music.

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7. I enjoy building things.

मुझे चीजों को बनाना पसंद है।

Imagine you are playing with building blocks and you enjoy making a tower with them.

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8. I often use my hands and body movement when I’m explaining something.

जब मैं कुछ समझा रहा होता हूं तो मैं अक्सर अपने हाथों और शरीर के आंदोलन का उपयोग करता हूं।

Imagine you're teaching a dance routine. You use your hands and body movements to demonstrate and explain the steps to the students.

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9. I can understand a lecture when I hear it on tape.

मैं टेप पर सुने गए व्याख्यान को समझ सकता हूं।

Imagine you are listening to a story on a tape and you can understand the story.

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10. I can usually read a map without difficulty.

मैं आमतौर पर एक मानचित्र को कठिनाई के बिना पढ़ सकता हूँ।

Imagine you are on a hiking trip, and you can easily follow the trail map to find your way.

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11. I prefer to learn something new by reading about it.

मैं इसके बारे में पढ़कर कुछ नया सीखना पसंद करता हूं।

Imagine you're interested in dinosaurs. You read books and articles about them to learn more about their history and characteristics.

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12. I enjoy building things.

मुझे चीजों का निर्माण करने में मजा आता है।

Imagine you're at a workshop. You enjoy the process of building things, like a birdhouse or a model car, from scratch.

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13. When I think back to something I once did, I can clearly picture the experience.

जब मैं किसी चीज को वापस सोचता हूँ, तो मैं उस अनुभव को स्पष्ट रूप से चित्रित कर सकता हूँ।

Imagine you are thinking back to a fun day at the park, and you can clearly picture all the activities you did and the fun you had.

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14. I learn best when I can see new information in picture form.

मैं सबसे अच्छा सीखता हूं जब मैं चित्र रूप में नई जानकारी देख सकता हूं।

Imagine you're studying for a geography test. You find it easier to understand and remember the information when you study maps and diagrams rather than just reading the text.

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15. I like to listen and discuss work with a partner.

मुझे अपने साथी को सुनना व काम के बारे में बातचीत करना पसंद है।

Imagine you are given a task to organize your room, and your mother is guiding you for that. You like to listen to your mom’s advice and discuss with her the better ways to organize it more properly.

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16. I learn by hearing my own voice on tape.

मैं टेप पर अपनी आवाज सुनकर सीखता हूं।

Imagine you're practicing a speech for a school competition. You record your practice sessions and listen to them to improve your delivery.

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17. . I speak a foreign language.

मैं एक विदेशी भाषा बोलता हूं।

Imagine you are an Indian kid who can speak English, which is a foreign language in India.

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18. I could learn the names of fifteen medical instruments much easier if I could touch and examine them.

अगर मैं उन्हें छूकर और जांच सकता, तो मैं पंद्रह चिकित्सा उपकरणों के नाम बहुत आसानी से सीख सकता।

Imagine you are studying to be a doctor, and you find it easier to remember the names of the instruments when you can hold them and see how they work.

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19. I like to paint, draw, or make sculptures.

मुझे पेंट करना, ड्रॉ या मूर्तियाँ बनाना पसंद है।

Imagine you are at an art class, and you enjoy creating your own artwork.

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20. I learn best when someone talks or explains something to me.

मैं सबसे अच्छा तब सीखता हूं जब कोई मुझसे बात करता है या मुझे कुछ समझाता है।

Imagine you're learning to cook a new dish. You find it easier to understand the steps when someone explains them to you while demonstrating.

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21. I like to recite or write poetry.

मुझे कविता पढ़ना या लिखना पसंद है।

Imagine you are writing a poem about a beautiful butterfly and you enjoy it.

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22. I am good at using machines or tools.

मैं मशीनों या उपकरणों का उपयोग करने में अच्छा हूं।

Imagine you are using a toy drill to fix your toy car.

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23. I usually write things down so that I can look back at the later.

मैं आमतौर पर चीजों को लिखता हूं ताकि मैं बाद में वापस देख सकूं।

Imagine you're attending a lecture. You take notes during the lecture so that you can review and remember the information later.

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24. I learn best by watching someone else first.

मैं सबसे अच्छा तब सीखता हूं जब मैं पहले किसी और को देखता हूं।

Imagine you are learning to tie your shoelaces, you learn it best by watching your elder sibling do it first.

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25. I have a good memory for old songs or music.

मुझे पुराने गानों या संगीत की अच्छी याद होती है।

Imagine you're at a family gathering where everyone is singing old songs. You can easily remember the lyrics and tunes of the songs that you haven't heard in a long time.

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26. I can remember the faces of actors, settings, and other visual details of a movie I saw in the past.

मैं भूतकाल में देखी गई एक फिल्म के अभिनेताओं के चेहरे, सेटिंग्स, और अन्य दृश्य विवरणों को याद रख सकता हूं।

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27. I enjoy activities that require physical coordination.

मुझे शारीरिक समन्वय की आवश्यकता वाली गतिविधियों का आनंद लेना पसंद है।

Imagine you are playing a game of catch, and you enjoy the challenge of coordinating your movements to catch the ball.

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28. I often repeat out loud the directions someone has given me.

मैं अक्सर जोर से दोहराता हूं कि किसी ने मुझे क्या निर्देश दिए हैं।

Imagine you're learning to drive. You repeat the instructor's directions out loud to make sure you understood them correctly.

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29. I can quickly tell if two geometric shapes are identical.

मैं त्वरित रूप से यह बता सकता हूँ कि दो ज्यामितीय आकृतियाँ समान हैं या नहीं।

Imagine you are looking at two triangles, and you can quickly tell if they are the same size and shape.

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30. I enjoy physical sports or exercise.

मैं शारीरिक खेल या व्यायाम का आनंद लेता हूं।

Imagine you love playing football with your friends every weekend. You also enjoy doing morning exercises to keep yourself fit.

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31. I can easily see pattern in designs.

मैं डिज़ाइन में पैटर्न आसानी से देख सकता हूं।

Imagine you are looking at a pattern of stars and moons on your bedsheet and you can easily recognize it.

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32. I like to discuss in small groups.

मैं छोटे समूहों में चर्चा करना पसंद करता हूं।

Imagine you're in a book club. You enjoy discussing the book you've read with a small group of people rather than in a large gathering.

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33. I like to create or use jingles/rhymes to learn things.

मुझे चीजों को सीखने के लिए जिंगल या तुकबंदियाँ बनाना या उपयोग करना पसंद है।

Imagine you are learning the alphabet, and you use a catchy song to remember the order of the letters.

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34. I often remember the size, shape, and color of objects.

मैं अक्सर वस्तुओं के आकार, आकृति और रंग को याद रखता हूं।

Imagine you're at a science fair. You can easily recall the size, shape, and color of the different exhibits you saw.

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35. I am able to visualize easily.

मैं आसानी से कल्पना करने में सक्षम हूं।

Imagine you're planning to redecorate your room. You can easily visualize how the room will look with different colors and furniture arrangements before you start the work.

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36. I wish more classes had hands-on experiences.

मैं चाहता हूँ कि अधिक संख्या में कक्षाओं में हाथों-पर अनुभव हो।

Imagine you are in a science class, and you wish you could do more experiments instead of just reading about them.

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37. I often write down the directions someone has given me so that I don’t forget them.

मैं अक्सर उन दिशानिर्देशों को लिखता हूं जो किसी ने मुझे दिए होते हैं ताकि मैं उन्हें न भूल जाऊं।

Imagine you're going to a new city and your friend who lives there has given you directions to reach his house. You write them down so you don't forget the way.

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38. I find sitting still for very long difficult.

मुझे बहुत लंबे समय तक ठहरे रहना कठिन लगता है।

Imagine you are sitting in a chair for a long time and you find it difficult to stay still.

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39. I can look at a shape and copy it correctly on paper.

मैं एक आकृति को देखकर उसे कागज पर सही ढंग से कॉपी कर सकता हूँ।

Imagine you are drawing a picture, and you can accurately replicate the shapes you see.

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40. I tap my fingers or my hands a lot while I am seated.

मैं बैठते समय अपनी उंगलियों या हाथों को बहुत बार टपकता हूं।

Imagine you're in a meeting. You find yourself frequently tapping your fingers or hands on the table while listening to the discussion.

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41. I can follow the plot of a story on the radio.

मैं रेडियो पर किसी कहानी की कथा का अनुसरण कर सकता हूं।

Imagine you are listening to a story about a rabbit on the radio and you can understand what's happening in the story.

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42. I remember objects better when I have touched them or worked with them.

मैं उन वस्तुओं को बेहतर याद रखता हूं जिन्हें मैंने छुआ होता है या जिनके साथ मैंने काम किया होता है।

Imagine you are playing with a toy car, you remember its shape and color better because you have touched it and played with it.

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43. I follow oral directions better than written ones.

मैं लिखित निर्देशों की तुलना में मौखिक निर्देशों का पालन बेहतर करता हूँ।

Imagine you are learning a new game, and you find it easier to understand the rules when someone explains them to you out loud.

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44. I need to say things aloud to myself to remember them.

मुझे चीजों को याद रखने के लिए उन्हें खुद से उच्च स्वर में कहने की आवश्यकता होती है।

Imagine you are memorizing a poem, and you find it easier to remember the lines when you recite them out loud.

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45. I speak a foreign language.

मैं एक विदेशी भाषा बोलता हूं।

Imagine you're at an international conference. You can communicate with delegates from other countries because you speak a foreign language.

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46. I can hear many different pitches or melodies in music.

मैं संगीत में विभिन्न पिच और धुनों को सुन सकता हूँ।

Imagine you are playing with a toy piano, and you can identify the different sounds each key makes.

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47. I remember directions best when someone gives me landmarks, such as specific buildings and trees.

मैं दिशानिर्देशों को सबसे अच्छी तरह से याद रखता हूँ, जब कोई मुझे लैंडमार्क देता है, जैसे कि विशेष इमारतें और पेड़।

Imagine you are trying to find your way to a new place, and you remember the route better when you know to turn right at the big red building.

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48. The things I remember best are the things I have seen in print or pictures.

मैं जो चीजें सबसे अच्छी तरह से याद रखता हूँ, वे चीजें मुझे प्रिंट या चित्रों में देखने को मिली होती हैं।

Imagine you are studying for a test, and you remember the information better when you read it in a textbook or see it in a diagram.

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49. I have a good eye for colors and color combinations.

मेरी रंगों और रंग संयोजनों के लिए अच्छी आंख होती है।

Imagine you are decorating a room, and you can easily pick out colors that look good together.

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50. I enjoy acting or doing pantomimes.

मुझे अभिनय करना या मूकाभिनय करना पसंद है।

Imagine you are pretending to be a lion and you enjoy acting like a lion.

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51. I tap my fingers or my hands a lot while I am seated.

मैं बैठते समय अपनी उंगलियों या हाथों को बहुत टैप करता हूं।

Imagine you are sitting in a chair and you keep tapping your fingers on the armrest.

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52. I enjoy repairing things at home.

मुझे घर की चीजों की मरम्मत करना पसंद है।

Imagine you have a broken toy car and you enjoy fixing it.

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53. . I can usually understand people with different accents.

मैं आमतौर पर विभिन्न उच्चारण वाले लोगों को समझ सकता हूं।

Imagine you are listening to a story told by your grandmother and even though she has a different accent, you can understand her.

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54. I need frequent breaks to move around.

मुझे बार-बार घूमने के लिए ब्रेक की जरूरत होती है।

Imagine you are sitting for a long time and you need to take breaks to move around.


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Teach with E4 is an initiative by Smarto Systems Pvt Ltd to spread experiential education and best teaching practices of Finland, USA and our own Ancient Gurukul System across India.

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